Denver Denver Dental Crowns

Contact Brilliant Family Dentistry today to learn more about our dental services.

Whether you need a crown to protect a cracked tooth or to cover a dental implant, you need a dependable dentist. Brilliant Family Dentistry can help you recover the appearance and strength of weakened teeth using dental crowns. We can handle a wide variety of dental needs, so trust us if you need dental work in Denver, CO.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that look like natural teeth. Dentists place them over existing teeth or implants to restore function and appearance, providing the covered tooth with a new protective layer. A dental professional will also use a dental crown to cover a tooth after a root canal procedure and anchor a dental bridge, which replaces one or more missing teeth.

Dentists use several types of dental crowns, including metal, porcelain, and a combination of the two materials. A porcelain crown provides a more natural aesthetic, but metal provides greater durability. Dental crowns made of both materials balance strength and appearance, but dentists must remove more of the tooth, which may increase procedural discomfort

Why You May Need a Dental Crown

If you visit your dentist, they may recommend dental crowns for many reasons. These include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • You have a cracked or fractured tooth.
  • You want to replace lost teeth with a dental bridge.
  • You need a root canal on one or more teeth.
  • You have a discolored or misshapen tooth.

Whether you need a dental crown for one of these reasons or another not listed here, the dentists at Brilliant Family Dentistry in Denver have the tools, training, and experience to handle your dental crown procedure.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns may last between five and 15 years, depending on the materials used and how well the dental patient cares for their teeth. You can lengthen the life of your dental crowns by practicing proper oral hygiene and keeping up with your regular visits to the dentist.

The chosen material may not offer the same natural appearance over time. For example, patients with dental crowns made of porcelain and metal sometimes replace them once the metal shows through as a dark line due to receding gums.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

The potential advantages of opting for a dental crown include the following:

  • Improved tooth strength
  • Protection against broken teeth
  • Tooth loss prevention
  • Precise impressions for a seamless fit
  • More attractive tooth appearance and smile

Ask your dentist about dental crowns, or visit Brilliant Family Dentistry in Denver.

Schedule a Dental Crown Consultation With Brilliant Family Dentistry in Denver

Schedule an appointment with Brilliant Family Dentistry to learn more about dental crowns and how they can help your smile. Our team is dedicated to providing a pleasant patient experience and offering all the services you need to maintain strong, healthy, and attractive teeth.

Get in touch with us to find out if we accept your dental insurance and if a dental crown is right for you. Call today at 720 456-9050.

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