Health and Safety

Contact Brilliant Family Dentistry today to learn more about our dental services.

What We’re Doing To Address Your Healthy & Safety

We hope you and your family have been safe during these uncertain times. We have taken this quarantine time to update our protocols, personal protective equipment gear, and make our office even safer than it already is!

We have always used universal precautions and will continue to do so with additional safety measures.

What should you expect at your next dental visit with us?!

Personal Protection Equipment that we will have on…

  • Level three mask and/or N95 masks
  • Face shield
  • Gloves
  • Gowns
  • Booties

Front office protocol…

  • Patients will be screened on phone by our front office team member. They will ask questions relating to patients’ recent travel, health, and if you have any symptoms.
  • Patients will be asked to sign a COVID-19 consent form.
  • We will limit patients in the waiting room. A patient with an appointment will be the only one allowed into our office. Family members can wait in the car. We highly advised them not to come at all.

Exception: Translators

  • We will take forehead temperatures of all patients before they are seen.
  • Plexi glass shield for front office desk.
  • A plastic cover will be placed on the credit card machine. From now on patients will swipe their own credit cards.
  • Front office team members will also wear gloves, mask, face shield, and booties when in direct contact with patients.
  • All new patients will fill out paperwork online prior to appointment.
  • Patients will take a front and back picture of their insurance cards / driver’s license and email it to us on a secure email.

Back office Protocol…

  • Patients will be asked to wash their hands for 20 seconds with hand soap before being seated.
  • Patients will rinse mouths with hydrogen peroxide for one minute before being seated.
  • We ordered a new machine ADS (please see picture and short video link on YouTube, link below) when using aerosol producing procedures such as slow hand piece, high speed drill, and ultrasonic.
  • In addition we may also use an IsoLight to help reduce aerosols during certain procedures.

“Together Let us EXTINCT Dental disease (Covid-19) and SAVE Pandas”

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