Denver Denver Dental Implants

Contact Brilliant Family Dentistry today to learn more about our dental services.

Brilliant Family Dentistry offers dental implants and other dental services in Denver, CO. We can help you whether you need to replace a single tooth, rebuild your smile, or restore the strength and appearance of existing implants.

Schedule an appointment now to discuss dental implants, restoration, and other dental services with a skilled dentist, or continue reading to learn about this tooth replacement solution.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants replace missing teeth with natural-looking, permanent replacements that make it easier to chew and speak and improve the overall smile appearance. The tooth replacement consists of a titanium post and an artificial tooth. Dentists surgically attach the post to the jawbone, where it fuses with the bone during the healing process.

Because the jawbone becomes attached to the implant, patients care for their implants as they care for their natural teeth, with regular brushing and flossing. Patients enjoy a more durable and lasting solution with greater convenience compared to dentures.

Why You May Need Dental Implants Restoration

Dental implants can last for decades when cared for correctly, but they still need regular attention from a dentist. After years of wear, implants may become loose, discolored, cracked, or otherwise damaged, requiring professional restoration.

Brilliant Family Dentistry offers implant restoration services to help patients maintain the appearance and function of dental implants. Restoration services begin with examining your implants to identify the cause of the problem and the best solution, which may involve replacing one or more implants and other restorative procedures like bone and gum grafting.

Can Anyone Get Dental Implants?

The best candidate for dental implants has a healthy jawbone that can adequately support the titanium anchors. A patient with severe bone loss may not have the jaw structure to make this procedure viable. Dental implants also don’t suit patients with conditions that cause slow healing, so our dentists may recommend other tooth replacement treatments.

If you have one or more missing teeth and want to restore your smile, talk to a dentist at Brilliant Family Dentistry to find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Patients with dental implants enjoy many benefits, including the following:

  • A functional, strong, and long-lasting solution to tooth loss
  • Prevention of destructive bone loss in the jaw
  • More comfortable chewing while eating
  • Improved smile appearance and confidence

If missing teeth cause discomfort or embarrassment, request an appointment with our dentistry team in Denver. We’ll determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants and recommend the ideal treatment to restore your smile.

Find Out if You’re a Candidate for Dental Implants at Brilliant Family Dentistry in Denver

Visit Brilliant Family Dentistry for dental care in Denver. We can help whether you want to discuss implants for the first time or need restoration services. We believe everyone deserves the confidence of a beautiful and functional smile, and we can help you achieve this through implants, restoration, bridges, and other dental services.

Call us today at (702) 456-9050 to schedule an exam and get answers to your questions about dental implants.

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